Jason Litzenberg

Jason Litzenberg

Penn State University
teaching professor

Jason Litzenberg has a PhD in Applied Linguistics and ESL from Georgia State University. He has over 20 years of experience as a TESOL professional in North and South America, Europe, and the Middle East. He has published in journals such as "TESOL Quarterly", "Applied Linguistics", and "Linguistic Landscapes", and has several co-authored chapters in books with Cambridge and De Gruyter Mouton. Jason is a teaching professor of applied linguistics and director of the Intensive English Communication Program (IECP) at The Pennsylvania State University. He is currently guiding the IECP through an extensive curriculum revision that integrates decolonial options, and he seeks to encourage incorporation of decolonial in Intensive English Programs in the Global North through an edited volume he is assembling. His research interests include phonetics/phonology, language attitudes, linguistic landscapes, language teaching, language teacher education, and language program administration.