Jane Anna Gordon
University of Connecticut

Professor of Political Science with affiliations in American Studies, El Instituto, Philosophy, and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Jane Anna Gordon is author of "Statelessness and Contemporary Enslavement", "Creolizing Political Theory", and "Why They Couldn’t Wait", co-author of "Of Divine Warning", and co-editor of "Creolizing Rosa Luxemburg", "The Politics of Richard Wright", "Journeys in Caribbean Thought", "Creolizing Rousseau", "A Companion to African-American Studies", and "Not Only the Master’s Tools". President of the Caribbean Philosophical Association (CPA) from 2014-2017, Gordon continues to direct the CPA Summer School and to co-edit the organization’s two book series, "Creolizing the Canon" and "Global Critical Caribbean Studies". With Lewis Gordon, she is Executive Editor of the new, open access journal, "Philosophy and Global Affairs".