Ashraf Abdelhay

Ashraf Abdelhay holds a PhD in the field of sociolinguistics from the University of Edinburgh. He works for the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies (Qatar) as an Associate Professor in the programme of Linguistics and Arabic Lexicography. His current research interest is on decolonial discourses of protesting with a focus on Sudan. With Kasper Juffermans and Yonas Asfahan, he co-edited African Literacies: Ideologies, Scripts, Education (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014); with Cristine Severo and Sinfree Makoni, he co-edited Language planning and policy: Ideologies, ethnicities and semiotic spaces of power (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020); With Sinfree Makoni, Cristine Severo, and Anna Kaiper-Marquez, he co-edited The Languaging of Higher Education in the Global South: De-Colonizing the Language of Scholarship and Pedagogy (Routledge, 2022). He serves in the editorial boards of some journals in the field including the International Journal of the Sociology of Language; Language Policy; Journal of Sociolinguistics, and Ampersand. He is currently co-editing (with Cristine Severo and Sinfree Makoni) Sociolinguistics of Protesting (two volumes to be published by De Gruyter).