Jean Casimir

Jean Casimir, PhD Sociology, teaches at the Faculty of Human Sciences, State University of Haiti. He obtained his professorship at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, where he taught for several years. He was a visiting Professor at Stanford University, at the University of the West Indies in Kingston, Jamaica, and a Mellon Visiting Professor at Duke University. He published on social structures of Mexico, Brazil, Haiti and the Caribbean in general. His major work “La cultura oprimida” published in Mexico in 1981 is also offered in French. He received the Jean-Price Mars 2013 Award of the Faculty of Ethnology at the University of Haiti and the 2016 Haitian Studies Association Award for Excellence. He also authored La nation haïtienne et l’État (2018) et Une lecture décoloniale de
l’histoire des Haïtiens (2018). This last publication came out in English under the title “The Haitians: a Decolonial History” (2020), and was awarded the Frantz Fanon Outstanding Book Award (2023). Casimir is a former Ambassador of his country to the United States of America and to the Organization of American States.
Talk Information:
This talk will review how the Haitian nation carved its way in opposition to the then emerging international community, how it operationalized its sovereignty during the 19th century and fell prey to US occupation at the beginning of the 18th